Federal Policy

Government climate legislation and programs continue to be amended as climate change policy shifts. As such, the currency of information in this section may be only short lived. Readers are encouraged to refer to the links of relevant websites that have been provided to access the most up-to-date policy information.

The Australian Government has a commitment to reducing Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions to five per cent below 2000 levels by 2020. The Government aims to reach its emissions reduction target through its ‘Direct Action Plan’ to efficiently and effectively source low cost emissions reductions and improve Australia’s environment. The Australian Government commenced implementation of the Direct Action Plan on 1st July, 2014.  The centrepiece of the Government’s approach is the Emissions Reduction Fund.


Emissions Reduction Fund

The Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) aims to implement a long-term framework for stable and sustainable climate change policy.  The Carbon Farming Initiative has been amended to include the ERF. The ERF builds on the Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI), expanding coverage to encourage emissions reductions across the economy. The ERF has three elements:

• crediting emissions reductions that have been certified by the Clean Energy Regulator, based on methods approved by an independent assurance body

• purchasing credited reductions by the regulator through auctions where the lowest bids from proponents are bought first and payment under the contract tied to delivery of reductions

• safeguarding public money spent on reductions by setting emissions baselines for large facilities. This arrangement will be determined in close consultation with affected parties and will begin a year after the crediting and purchasing arrangements are in place. 

Projects can reduce salinity and erosion, improve water quality and protect biodiversity.  ERF project proponents also need to confirm their projects are consistent with ‘Regional NRM Plans’ such as this plan. More information, including how the Emissions Reduction Fund works, can be found at www.environment.gov.au/emissions-reduction-fund.


National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility

The government is committed to maintaining adaptation research capacity in Australia through its renewed funding of the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF). NCCARF has a national focus across Australia to build resilience to climate change in government, NGOs and the private sector. NCCARF works to support decision makers through synthesising the best available adaptation research and producing practical, hands-on tools and information for local decision-makers as they prepare for and manage the risks of climate change and sea-level rise. More information on NCCARF can be found at www.nccarf.edu.au


20 Million Trees Programme

The Australian Government has a national goal to plant 20 million trees by 2020, to re-establish green corridors and urban forests. The programme is part of the national stream of the National Landcare Programme, and has four strategic objectives:

  • 20 million trees – 20 million trees and associated understorey planted by 2020.
  • Environmental conservation – support local environmental outcomes by improving the extent, connectivity and condition of native vegetation that supports native species
  • Community engagement – work cooperatively with the community
  • Carbon reduction – contribute to Australia reducing its greenhouse gas emissions.

The Australian Government has committed $50 million over four years to the 20 Million Trees Programme, with funding from 2014-15. The programme will involve competitive grants, delivered by individuals and organisations. More information on the 20 Million Trees Programme can be found at www.nrm.gov.au/national/20-million-trees


For more information on the Australian Government’s role in other climate change programs, please refer to www.environment.gov.au/climate-change