Rainfall Projections for South West VictoriaDry Creek Bed in the Barwon South West

In the Barwon South West region, the rate of warming has increased since 1960.

On average, rainfall has declined since the 1950s, especially in autumn.


Rainfall Change in the Barwon South West region since 1950









On average, rainfall has declined since the 1950s, especially in autumn.

Between 1997 and 2009, Victoria experienced a record-breaking 13-year drought, the longest recorded period of rainfall deficits on record.

In the future, the Barwon South West region can expect:

Less Rainfall icon More frequent and intense heavy downpours icon


Despite an overall trend of declining rainfall, more of the rain that does fall will be in increasingly extreme downpours. This is likely to lead to an increase in the incidence of flooding events, particularly in urbanised and small catchments.

Projected annual average rainfall changes for the Barwon South West region are as follows:

Projected annual average rainfall changes for the Barwon South West region

Climate change projections for the region also indicate there will be:

  • Less rainfall in winter and spring;
  • Increased frequency and intensity of extreme rainfall events;
  • Time spent in drought to increase over the course of the century; and
  • Increased incidence of flooding events.