Climate maps

 Temperature:   Annual Mean (Baseline 1990)
Annual mean temperature
1990 baseline 15.1 10.4
2030 projection 15.7 12.9
2070 projection 17.0 12.9
Source: SimCLIM (CLIMsystems 2013). Scenario: A1FI. July 2013.
Annual total precipitation (mm)
Timeframe Max Min
1990 baseline 1932 434
2030 projection 1889 419
2070 projection 1787 382
Source: SimCLIM (CLIMsystems 2013). Scenario: A1FI. July 2013.

The projected warmer drier weather described is likely to increase the frequency and intensity of bushfires. Relative to the climate of 1974-2003, by 2020 it is expected the number of ‘extreme’ fire danger days will generally increase by between 5 per cent and 40 per cent.

By 2050 this is expected to further increase by between 15 per cent and 25 per cent (under a lower emissions growth scenario) or by 120 per cent and 230 per cent (under a higher emissions growth scenario).

Extreme temperature

3 consecutive days over 35°C

Timeframe Occurrence (years)
1990 baseline 4.18
2030 projection 2.51
2070 projection 1.37