Stage Three: Strategic discussions

There was a high level of participation at all 10 council workshops during which over 150 risk statements were identified. There was also an awareness of the need to develop adaptation responses

There was a high level of participation at all 10 council workshops during which over 150 risk statements were identified. There was also an awareness of the need to develop adaptation responses to mitigate the impacts of a changing climate. Councils identified a range of possible actions:

  1. Further investigations and research to better understand in detail the impacts, vulnerabilities and sensitivities in the following key areas: exposed communities, at risk ecosystems, as well as water and power provisioning services, and infrastructure and assets of regional significance – ports, roads and buildings
  2. Build awareness of climate change and extreme weather events within the communities of the Region. Consider the adequacy of communication channels in business as usual and emergency situations. Consider how future demographic forecast for the Region impacts sensitivities. Consider how economic sensitivities impact on community wellbeing (i.e. employment)
  3. Engage with service providers and industry to help them consider the findings of this Phase. Establish collaborative platforms to support the development of adaptation responses in areas outside Council control. This may include evaluating opportunities to promote sectors that suit a drier and warmer climate e.g., tourism and renewable energy
  4. Integrate future climate risks into Council processes and decision-making frameworks. This should include asset risk registers and the development of council level adaptation plans.

Stage Two: Planning and action review

Snapshots of the Barwon South West