Municipality strategic discussions

During Stage 3 of the Project, strategic discussions were held with each Council over a two-week period in September 2013. During the workshops the results of Stage 1 (Vulnerability Assessment) and Stage 2 (Planning and Action Review) were presented and discussed. The objectives were to:

  • Begin to identify, socialise and consider the climate risks and opportunities facing the Region
  • Explore implications for the design, building and management of council property, infrastructure and services
  • Consider the resilience of the local economy and natural assets and implications for the economic development strategy and approaches to protect and enhance natural assets
  • Develop initial actions for each risk or opportunity identified which could then be analysed and prioritised for consideration in Phase Two.

The discussions and outputs do not remove the need for councils to carry out individual risk mapping, assessment and prioritisation activities.  Having said this, a wealth of information was collated across the ten workshops which has been analysed in this section to draw out themes and implications for Phase Two.  These themes fall into the following categories:

  1. Perceptions of what climate effects will present the greatest challenges to councils – this is presented below from the perspective of primary effects and how councils expect the natural environment, infrastructure, council assets, the community and industry to be affected
  2. Initial views of actions that should be undertaken for each risk – actions were categorised and benchmarked against better practice responses typical for each risk areas.


Risk assessment process