Natural Regeneration

Enhancing native vegetation through natural regeneration is a recognised method for promoting carbon sequestration under the Australian Government’s Emissions Reduction Fund. It is often the most efficient and cost effective, especially when compared to standard revegetation practices and other carbon sequestration activities. Natural regeneration can be encouraged through reducing current threatening processes such as over grazing and environmental weeds, and/or increasing processes such as additional plantings and restoring natural fire or flooding regimes.

Many of the region’s Ecologocal Vegetation Classes (EVCs) respond well to natural regeneration. Examples include most communities in the Otways, floodplain woodlands along many of the region’s waterways and native grasslands on the basalt plains.

Regional priorities for natural regeneration for carbon sequestration purposes will be assessed on a site-by-site basis. Other factors such as the type and/or quality of vegetation community, its conservation status as well as other NRM benefits e.g. river protection, should always be considered when priotising sites for carbon sequestration purposes.
