Ongoing use of the tool

The health check is intended to be a snapshot at a point in time and will change going forward as councils update and introduce new approaches, policies and procedures to better respond to climate

The health check is intended to be a snapshot at a point in time and will change going forward as councils update and introduce new approaches, policies and procedures to better respond to climate risks.

It is recommended that councils consider independently undertaking the health check to establish a baseline (inclusive of any additional elements in their Municipality), and a scoring methodology, in order to repeat the survey and use it as a comparative tool going forward. By developing their own scoring methodology, councils can create a tailored approach including placing emphasis on the highest priority criteria in regards to its operations and circumstances if desired.

The survey informing the health check could be answered using a forum with key Council representatives in attendance, to ensure a comprehensive, up to date and mutually agreed response.


Survey outcomes across the Region