Municipal resilience actions

The possible actions to address the risks identified above, generated in Phase One of the Project, largely comprise investigative work - research, modelling, data gathering, consultation and knowledge

The possible actions to address the risks identified above, generated in Phase One of the Project, largely comprise investigative work - research, modelling, data gathering, consultation and knowledge sharing – in response to gaps in knowledge and understanding made clear through the strategic discussions.

Detailed examples of actions that can be considered by Council as part of their adaptation planning process can be found in each of the Municipal reports, as relevant to each Municipality.

The commonly cited themes in these actions across the participating councils are:

  • Amend internal Council processes
  • Engagement and advocacy/championing within the community
  • Infrastructure resilience
  • Investigation of opportunities for resilient economic development
  • Addressing knowledge and funding gaps
  • Creating partnerships with others (e.g. government, private landholders, industry, research agencies).

These actions are reflective of the themes of the broader regional actions, which are discussed in Section 9.

Detailed risk assessment

What does this all mean for the Region?